Escorial codex MS T. I. 1 (Códice Rico).

MTI1 does not include cantigas 40 and 150.
Cantigas ending with a '5' have a double page illustration except Cantigas 145 and 185.
Cantiga 187 has a double page illustration.
Cantiga 195 is not illustrated.
Cantiga 1 - Cantiga de loor (Des oge mais quer’ eu trobar)
Cantiga 2 - Hildefonsus of Toledo (Muito devemos varões/ loar a Santa Maria)
Cantiga 3 - Theophilus (Mais nos faz Santa Maria/ a seu fillo perdõar)
Cantiga 4 - The Murdered Jewish Boy (A Madre do que livrou/ dos leões Daniel)
Cantiga 5 (CSM 15) - The Death of Julian the Apostate (Todolos santos que son no ceo)
Cantiga 6 - The Murdered Chorister (A que do bon rei Davi de seu linnage decende)
Cantiga 7 - The Pregnant Abbess (Santa Maria amar)
Cantiga 8 - The Minstrel of Rocamadour (A Virgen Santa Maria/ todos a loar devemos)
Cantiga 9 - The Icon of Sardonay (Por que nos ajamos/ senpre, noit’ e dia)
Cantiga 10 - Cantiga de loor (Rosa das rosas, flor das flores)
Cantiga 11 - The Drowned Sacristan (Macar ome per folia/ agĩa caer/ pod’ en pecado)
Cantiga 12 - The Image of Christ Reviled by the Jews of Toledo (O que a Santa Maria mais despraz)
Cantiga 13 - Elbo the Thief (Assi como Jesucristo | estando na cruz salvou/ un ladron)
Cantiga 14 - The Monk of St Peter’s at Cologne (Par Deus, muit’ é gran razon)
Cantiga 15 (CSM 5) - The Chaste Empress (Quen as coitas deste mundo ben quiser sofrer)
Cantiga 16 - The Knight who Said Two Hundred ‘Aves’ a Day (Quen dona fremosa e bõa quiser amar)
Cantiga 17 - The Woman who Committed Incest with her Son (Sempre seja bẽeita e loada)
Cantiga 18 - The Silkworms that Wove Veils (Por nos de dulta tirar)
Cantiga 19 - The Three Knights (Gran sandece faz quen se por mal filla)
Cantiga 20 - Cantiga de loor (Virga de Jesse)
Cantiga 21 - The Barren Woman’s Son is Revived (Santa Maria pod’ enfermos guarir)
Cantiga 22 - The Wounded Farmer (Mui gran poder á a Madre de Deus)
Cantiga 23 - The Woman whose Wine was Replenished (Como Deus fez vĩo d’ agua)
Cantiga 24 - The Clerk of Chartres (Madre de Deus, non pod’ errar/ quen en ti á fiança)
Cantiga 25 - The Jewish Moneylender and the Christian Merchant (Pagar ben pod’ o que dever)
Cantiga 26 - The Pilgrim to Santiago (Non é gran cousa se sabe | bon joizo dar)
Cantiga 27 - The Image that Appeared in a Synagogue (Non devemos por maravilla tẽer)
Cantiga 28 - The Siege of Constantinople (Todo logar mui ben pode/ seer defendudo)
Cantiga 29 - The Images of the Virgin Mary at Gethsemane (Nas mentes senpre tẽer)
Cantiga 30 - Cantiga de loor (Muito valvera mais, se Deus m’ anpar)
Cantiga 31 - The Runaway Calf (Tanto, se Deus me perdon)
Cantiga 32 - The Priest who Only Knew One Mass (Quen loar podia)
Cantiga 33 - The Pilgrim Saved from Shipwreck (Gran poder á de mandar/ o mar e todolos ventos)
Cantiga 34 - The Desecrated Image of the Virgin (Gran dereit’ é que fill’ o demo por escarmento)
Cantiga 35 - The Clerics Saved from Pirates (O que a Santa Maria/ der algo ou prometer)
Cantiga 36 - The Light on the Masthead (Muit’ amar devemos)
Cantiga 37 - The Amputated Foot (Miragres fremosos/ faz por nos Santa Maria)
Cantiga 38 - The Bleeding Image of the Christ-Child (Pois que Deus quis da Virgen fillo/ seer)
Cantiga 39 - The Fire at Mont Saint-Michel (Torto seria grand’ e desmesura)
Cantiga 41 - Garin the Moneychanger (A Virgen, Madre de Nostro Sennor)
Cantiga 42 - The Ring on the Finger of the Virgin’s Statue (A Virgen mui groriosa)
Cantiga 43 - The Boy Revived at Salas (Porque é Santa Maria/ leal e mui verdadeira)
Cantiga 44 - The Knight whose Goshawk was Returned by Santa Maria de Salas (Quen fiar na madre do Salvador)
Cantiga 45 - The Wicked Knight who Built a Monastery (A Virgen Santa Maria/ tant’ é de gran piedade)
Cantiga 46 - The Moor who Venerated an Image of the Virgin Mary (Porque ajan de seer/ seus miragres mais sabudos)
Cantiga 47 - The Devil who Appeared in the Shape of Three Beasts (Virgen Santa Maria/ guarda-nos se te praz)
Cantiga 48 - The Stream that was Diverted for the Monks of Montserrat (Tanto son da Groriosa/ seus feitos mui piadosos)
Cantiga 49 - The Lost Pilgrims who were Led to Soissons (Ben com’ aos que van per mar)
Cantiga 50 - Cantiga de loor (Non deve null’ ome desto per ren dultar)
Cantiga 51 - The Statue that Intercepted an Arrow (A Madre de Deus/ devemos tẽer mui cara)
Cantiga 52 - The Mountain Goats that Gave Milk to the Monks of Montserrat (Mui gran dereit’ é d’ as bestias obedecer)
Cantiga 53 - The Shepherd Boy who was Healed at Soissons (Como pod’ a Groriosa/ mui ben enfermos sãar)
Cantiga 54 - The Monk who was Healed by the Virgin’s Milk (Toda saude da Santa Re?a/ ven)
Cantiga 55 - The Nun who Left the Convent (Atant’ é Santa Maria/ de toda bondade bõa)
Cantiga 56 - The Monk who Recited Five Psalms Daily (Gran dereit’ é de seer/ seu miragre mui fremoso)
Cantiga 57 - The Robbed Pilgrims to Montserrat (Mui grandes noit’ e dia)
Cantiga 58 - The Nun who was Shown the Mouth of Hell (De muitas guisas nos guarda de mal)
Cantiga 59 - The Nun who was Slapped by a Crucifix (Quen a Virgen ben servir)
Cantiga 60 - Cantiga de loor (Entre Ave e Eva)
Cantiga 61 - The Man who Scorned the Virgin’s Slipper (Fol é o que cuida)
Cantiga 62 - The Boy whose Mother’s Prayers Freed him from Captivity (Santa Maria sempr’ os seus ajuda)
Cantiga 63 - The Knight who Missed the Battle (Quen ben serv’ a Madre do que quis morrer)
Cantiga 64 - The Woman who could not Remove her Slipper (Quen mui ben quiser o que ama guardar)
Cantiga 65 - The Excommunicate who Won Absolution (A creer devemos que todo pecado)
Cantiga 66 - The Bishop who was Given a Vestment (Quantos en Santa Maria/ esperança an)
Cantiga 67 - The Man who had the Devil as his Servant (A Reinna groriosa/ tant’ é de gran santidade)
Cantiga 68 - The Wife and the Mistress (A Groriosa grandes faz / miragres por dar a nos paz)
Cantiga 69 - The Deaf-Mute who was Healed in Toledo (Santa Maria os enfermos sãa)
Cantiga 70 - Cantiga de loor (Eno nome de Maria)
Cantiga 71 - The Nun who was Taught to Say her ’Aves’ (Se muito non amamos)
Cantiga 72 - The Blasphemer who was Struck Dead (Quen diz mal da reĩa espirital)
Cantiga 73 - The Stained Chasuble (Ben pod’ as cousas feas fremosas tornar)
Cantiga 74 - The Painter and the Devil (Quen Santa Maria quiser defender)
Cantiga 75 - The Rich Man and the Poor Widow (Omildade con pobreza)
Cantiga 76 - The Image of the Christ Child that was Held for Ransom (Quen as sas figuras da Virgen partir)
Cantiga 77 - The Contorted Woman of Lugo (Da que Deus mamou o leite do seu peito)
Cantiga 78 - The Slandered Man who was Spared from Burning (Non pode prender nunca morte vergonnosa)
Cantiga 79 - Musa, the Girl Taken to Paradise (Ai Santa Maria, | quen se per vos guia)
Cantiga 80 - Cantiga de loor (De graça chẽa e d’ amor)
Cantiga 81 - The Woman whose Face was Healed (Par Deus, tal sennor muito val)
Cantiga 82 - The Demon Swine (A Santa Maria mui bon servir faz)
Cantiga 83 - The Prisoner who was Freed from the Moors (Aos seus acomendados/ a Virgen tost’ á livrados)
Cantiga 84 - The Woman who Committed Suicide (O que en Santa Maria/ crever ben de coraçon)
Cantiga 85 - The Jew who was Delivered from Thieves (Pera toller gran perfia)
Cantiga 86 - Childbirth under the Sea (Acorrer-nos pode e de mal guardar)
Cantiga 87 - Geronimo is Made Bishop of Pavia (Muito punna d’ os seus onrar)
Cantiga 88 - The Virgin’s Electuary (Quen servir a Madre do gran Rey)
Cantiga 89 - The Jewish Woman who was Helped in Childbirth (A Madre de Deus onrrada/ chega sen tardada)
Cantiga 90 - Cantiga de loor (Sola fusti, senlleira)
Cantiga 91 - The Healing of People Suffering from St Martial’s Fire (A Virgen nos dá saud’/ e tolle mal)
Cantiga 92 - The Blind Priest whose Sight was Restored (Santa Maria poder á)
Cantiga 93 - The Leper who was Healed by the Virgin’s Milk (Nulla enfermidade)
Cantiga 94 - The Nun who Ran Away with a Knight (De vergonna nos guardar/ punna todavia)
Cantiga 95 - The Hermit who was Captured by the Moors (Quen aos servos da Virgen)
Cantiga 96 - The Talking Head (Atal Sennor/ é bõa que faz salva-lo pecador)
Cantiga 97 - The Slandered Man who was Exonerated (A Virgen sempr’ acorrer/ a correr)
Cantiga 98 - The Sinful Woman who could not Enter a Church (Non dev’ a Santa Maria/ mercee pedir)
Cantiga 99 - The Moors who Tried to Destroy an Image of the Virgin (Muito se deven tẽer/ por gentes de mal recado)
Cantiga 100 - Cantiga de loor (Santa Maria | estrela do dia)
Cantiga 101 - The Deaf-Mute who was Healed in Soissons (Ben pod’ a Sennor sen par/ fazer oir e falar)
Cantiga 102 - The Priest who was Cast into a Pit (Sempr’ aos seus val)
Cantiga 103 - The Monk who Listened to a Bird’s Song for Three Hundred Years (Quen a Virgen ben servirá )
Cantiga 104 - The Bleeding Host (Nunca ja pod’ aa Virgen | ome tal pesar fazer)
Cantiga 105 - The Maid of Arras (Gran piadad’ e mercee e nobreza)
Cantiga 106 - The Squires who were Freed from Captivity (Prijon forte nen dultosa)
Cantiga 107 - The Jewish Woman who was Thrown from a Cliff (Quen crever na Virgen santa)
Cantiga 108 - Merlin and the Jew (Dereit’ é de s’ end’ achar/ mal quen fillar perfia)
Cantiga 109 - The Possessed Man who was Exorcised at Salas (Razon an os diabos de fogir)
Cantiga 110 - Cantiga de loor (Tant’ é Santa Maria de ben mui conprida)
Cantiga 111 - The Drowned Priest (En todo tempo faz ben)
Cantiga 112 - The Ship whose Crew and Cargo were Preserved (Nas coitas devemos chamar)
Cantiga 113 - The Falling Rock of Montserrat (Por razon tenno d’ obeder)
Cantiga 114 - The Mother whose Son was Beaten (A que serven todolos celestiaes)
Cantiga 115 - The Boy whose Parents Dedicated him to the Devil (Con seu ben/ sempre ven)
Cantiga 116 - The Candles that Miraculously Came Alight (Dereit’ é de lume dar)
Cantiga 117 - The Seamstress who Worked on the Sabbath (Toda cousa que aa Virgen seja prometuda)
Cantiga 118 - The Stillborn Child who was Revived at Salas (Fazer pode d’ outri vive-los seus/ fillos)
Cantiga 119 - The Judge who was Carried Away by Devils (Como somos per consello do demo perdudos)
Cantiga 120 - Cantiga de loor (Quantos me creveren loarán)
Cantiga 121 - The Knight who Made Garlands for the Virgin’s Image (De muitas maneiras busca/ a Virgen esperital)
Cantiga 122 - The Infanta who was Brought back to Life (Miragres muitos pelos reis faz)
Cantiga 123 - The Dying Franciscan who Banished the Devils (De Santa Maria sinal qual xe quer)
Cantiga 124 - The Man who Survived Execution so he could Make his Confession (O que pola Virgen leixa)
Cantiga 125 - The Priest who Used Magic to Seduce a Maiden (Muit’ é mayor o ben-fazer)
Cantiga 126 - The Soldier who was Struck in the Face by an Arrow (De toda chaga ben pode guarir)
Cantiga 127 - The Young Man who Kicked his Mother (Non pod’ ome pela Virgen/ tanta coita endurar)
Cantiga 128 - The Peasant who Placed a Host in a Beehive (Tan muit’ é con Jesu-Cristo)
Cantiga 129 - The Soldier who was Struck in the Eye by an Arrow (De todo mal e de toda ferida)
Cantiga 130 - Cantiga de loor (Quen entender quiser)
Cantiga 131 - The Emperor who was Trapped in a Mine (En tamanna coita non pode seer)
Cantiga 132 - The Clerk of Pisa (Quen leixar Santa Maria)
Cantiga 133 - The Girl who Drowned in a Ditch (Resurgir pode e faze-los seus/ vive-la Virgen)
Cantiga 134 - The Outbreak of St Martial’s Fire in Paris (A Virgen en que é toda santidade)
Cantiga 135 - The Marriage Ordained by the Virgin (Aquel podedes jurar/ que é ben de mal guardado)
Cantiga 136 - The Gambling Woman who Threw a Stone at a Statue of the Virgin (Poi-las figuras fazen dos santos renenbrança)
Cantiga 137 - The Lustful Knight who was Made Impotent (Sempr’ acha Santa Maria razon verdadeira)
Cantiga 138 - John Chrysostom’s Vision (Quen a Santa Maria de coraçon/ rogar)
Cantiga 139 - The Boy who Offered Bread to an Image of the Christ Child (Maravillosos/ e piadosos)
Cantiga 140 - Cantiga de loor (A Santa Maria dadas/ sejan loores onrradas)
Cantiga 141 - The Old Monk whose Youth was Restored (Quen muit’ onrrar o nome da Sennor conprida)
Cantiga 142 - The Huntsman who was Rescued from Drowning (Ena gran coita sempr’ acorrer ven)
Cantiga 143 - The Drought in Jerez de la Frontera (Quen algua cousa quiser pedir)
Cantiga 144 - The Fierce Bull that was Tamed (Con razon é d’ averen gran pavor)
Cantiga 145 - The Gold Given to John, the Patriarch of Alexandria (O que pola Virgen de grado)
Cantiga 146 - The Man whose Eyes and Hands were Restored (Quen comendar de coraçon)
Cantiga 147 - The Talking Sheep (A madre do que a bestia de Balaam falar fez)
Cantiga 148 - The Knight who was Protected by a Linen Shift (De mui grandes periglos)
Cantiga 149 - The German Priest who Doubted the Sacrament (Fol é a desmesura)
Cantiga 151 - The Priest who Renounced his Mistress (Sempr’ a Virgen, de Deus Madre/ busca vias e carreiras)
Cantiga 152 - The Silver Bowl Filled with Bitter Liquid (Tantas nos mostra a Virgen)
Cantiga 153 - The Reluctant Pilgrim Carried to Rocamadour (Quen quer que ten en desden)
Cantiga 154 - The Gambler who Fired an Arrow at the Heavens (Tan grand’ amor á a Virgen)
Cantiga 155 - The Knight [Mamluk] who Filled a Tankard with Tears (Ali u a pẽedença/ do pecador vai minguar)
Cantiga 156 - The Priest whose Tongue was Cut Out (A Madre do que de terra/ primeir’ ome foi fazer)
Cantiga 157 - The Pilgrims to Rocamadour whose Meal was Stolen (Deus por sa Madre castiga)
Cantiga 158 - The Knight who was Freed by the Virgin and led to Rocamadour (De muitas guisas los presos)
Cantiga 159 - The Pilgrims to Rocamadour whose Meat was Stolen (Non sofre Santa Maria | de seeren perdidosos)
Cantiga 160 - Cantiga de loor (Quen bõa dona querrá/ loar)
Cantiga 161 - The Vineyard that was Protected from Hail (Poder á Santa Maria/ a Sennor de piadade)
Cantiga 162 - The Statue that Moved to the High Altar (As sas figuras muit’ onrrar)
Cantiga 163 - The Gambler who Renounced the Virgin (Pode por Santa Maria/ o mao perde-la fala)
Cantiga 164 - The Statue that Cried out Against the Arrest of a Monk (Como deve dos crischãos/ seer a Virgen onrrada)
Cantiga 165 - The Celestial Knights who Protected the City of Tartus (Niun poder deste mundo)
Cantiga 166 - The Lame Man Healed at Salas (Como poden per sas culpas)
Cantiga 167 - The Muslim Child who was Revived at Salas (Quen quer que na Virgen fia)
Cantiga 168 - The Child Revived at Salas (En todo logar á poder)
Cantiga 169 - The Church at Arreixaca is Protected by the Virgin (A que por nos salvar/ fezo Deus Madr’ e Filla)
Cantiga 170 - Cantiga de loor (Loar devemos a que sempre faz/ ben)
Cantiga 171 - The Drowned Boy (Santa Maria grandes faz/ miragres e saborosos)
Cantiga 172 - The Pilgrims Bound for Acre who Survived a Storm (A Madre de Jesu-Cristo/ que ceos, terras e mares/ fez)
Cantiga 173 - The Man who Passed a Kidney Stone (Tantas en Santa Maria/ son mercees)
Cantiga 174 - The Knight who Cut out his Tongue (Como aa Virgen pesa/ de quen erra a ciente)
Cantiga 175 - The Pilgrim to Santiago who was Wrongly Hanged (Por dereito ten a Virgen)
Cantiga 176 - The Captive in Majorca who was Freed from the Moors (Soltar pode muit’ aginna/ os presos)
Cantiga 177 - The Man whose Eyes were Restored (Non vos é gran maravilla/ de lum’ ao cego dar)
Cantiga 178 - The Mule that was Revived (A que faz o ome morto/ resurgir)
Cantiga 179 - The Lame Woman of Molina (Ben sab’ a que pod’ e val/ fisica celestial)
Cantiga 180 - Cantiga de loor (Vella e minĩa)
Cantiga 181 - The Banner of the Virgin Defeats the Moors at Marrakesh (Pero que seja a gente d’ outra lei e descreuda)
Cantiga 182 - The Thief who was Brought back to Life (Deus que mui ben barata)
Cantiga 183 - The Moors of Faro who Threw a Statue of the Virgin into the Sea (Pesar á Santa Maria)
Cantiga 184 - The Baby who was Born through a Wound in his Mother’s Side (A Madre de Deus / tant’ á en si gran vertude)
Cantiga 185 (CSM 186) - The Woman whose Mother-in-law Plotted her Death (Quen na Virgen santa muito fiar )
Cantiga 186 - The Monks of Jerusalem who were Saved from Famine (Gran fe devia om’ aver en Santa Maria)
Cantiga 187 (CSM 185) - The Statue that Defended a Castle (Poder á Santa Maria/ grande d’ os seus acorrer)
Cantiga 187 (CSM 185) - The Statue that Defended a Castle (Poder á Santa Maria/ grande d’ os seus acorrer)
Cantiga 188 - The Image that was Found in a Young Girl’s Heart (Coraçon d’ om’ ou de moller)
Cantiga 189 - The Pilgrim Healed of Dragon’s Bane (Ben pode Santa Maria guarir de toda poçon)
Cantiga 190 - Cantiga de loor (Pouco devemos preçar)
Cantiga 191 - The Woman who Fell from a Cliff (O que de Santa Maria/ sa mercee ben gaanna)
Cantiga 192 - The Muslim Servant (Muitas vegadas o dem’ enganados/ ten os omes)
Cantiga 193 - The Merchant who was Saved from Drowning (Sobelos fondos do mar)
Cantiga 194 - The Robbed Minstrel (Como o nome da Virgen/ é aos bõos fremoso)
Codex Florencia Ms Banco Rari 20.

Including unfinished illustrations but not illustrations that only contain an otherwise blank framework.
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