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Soldier with Kite Shield in a Carolingian Bible
folio 69v, lettre ornée at the start of Deuteronomy
Northern France, 976-1000AD

Title : Biblia Latina - Vetus Testamentum (pars).
Publication date : 0976-1000
Type : manuscript
Language : latin
Écriture minuscule caroline de deux mains : A (f. 1r-85v) et B (f. 86r-218v).
section F. 69v-85v : Deuteronomium
Production place : France (North)
Rights : public domain
Identifier : ark:/12148/btv1b10543769g
Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France. Département des Manuscrits. Latin 46
Back to the smaller image of the Carolingian Soldier with Kite Shield in the ornate letter at the start of Deuteronomy, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Latin 46.