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Stone Sarcophagus from Alcaudete, 6th-7th century, Archeological Museum, Madrid
Sarcófago Paleocristiano de Alcaudete. Jaen
Photos by Vicente Camarasa
Larger images of the Stone Sarcophagus from Alcaudete, 6th-7th century, Archeological Museum, Madrid
Referenced as figure 81 in The military technology of classical Islam by D Nicolle
81. Sarcophagus, Soldiers, Daniel in the Lions’ Den. 6th-7th centuries AD, Visigothic or Ibero-Byzantine, Archaeological Museum, Madrid (Kin).
Referenced on p.73, EH - 071 - The Great Islamic Conquests AD 632-750 by David Nicolle
While Christian Byzantium survived in the eastern Mediterranean,
the Christian Visigothic kingdom in what are now Spain and Portugal fell to Arab-led Berber armies with remarkable speed in the early 8th century.
This relief carving illustrates the Biblical story of Daniel in the Lion’s Den and, although it is sometimes said to date from a century before the Islamic conquest,
the four soldiers in the lower register look remarkably like early Islamic or Umayyad troops. (Museo Arqueologico, Madrid)
Other Spanish & North African Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers