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Illustration of military interest from
La chanson de Bertrand du Guesclin by Jean Cuvelier
Paris, France, c. 1380-1392

16r. Surprise at Forgeray
British Library MS Yates Thompson 35

Yates Thompson 35
Author: Jean Cuvelier
Title: La chanson de Bertrand du Guesclin
Origin: France, Central (Paris)
Date: between c. 1380 and 1392
Source: British Library.

Ce fut une affaire vite conclue : les hardis compagnons, déguisés en bûcherons et portant des fagots, entrèrent par surprise au château de Forgeray et eurent vite raison de la garnison anglaise.
    Bertrand Dugueslin est maintenant sire de Forgeray ; on commence á parler de lui et á le craindre.
Jacques Choffel La Guerre de succession de Bretagne
This was a short-lived affair : The bold companions, disguised as lumberjacks and carrying fagots, entered the castle of Forgeray by surprise, and soon overtook the English garrison.
    Bertrand du Guesclin is now sire of Forgeray; we begin to talk about him and to fear him.
Next: Taking of Pestien
Back to illustrations of French soldiers in 'La chanson de Bertrand du Guesclin' by Jean Cuvelier, c. 1380-1392. BL MS Yates Thompson 35.