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Military illustrations from

Les « Histoires Roger », ou Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César, composée par un clerc sous les auspices du châtelain de Lille, Roger.
The 'Roger Histories', or Ancient history until Caesar, composed by a cleric under the auspices of the castellan of Lille, Roger.

Acre, c.1287. Ms Français 20125.

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f.91v oedipe et le sphinx,
Oedipus and the Sphinx

f.96 combat de tydée et de polynice,
Combat of Tydeus and Polynices

f.119 amazone(s),

f.119v amazones au combat,
Amazons in combat

An Extract from Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era, 1050-1350, Western Europe and the Crusader States by David Nicolle:

741A-K Histoire Universelle, Kingdom of Jerusalem, c.1287
(Bib. Nat., Ms. Fr. 20125, Paris, France)

A - Oedipus, f.91v;
B - Polyneices and Tydeus, f.96r;

This manuscript from the school of Acre includes some more up-to-date pieces of military equipment as well as traditional items. Oedipus (A), for example, has a round helmet with a small nasal and his limited mail chausses cover neither the calf of his leg nor his heel. Polyneices and Tydeus (B), on the other hand, have two forms of great helm, one a very early picture of a round-topped type and the other a traditional flat-topped variety. Both have crests, presumably in the kind of plume-holders seen in the previous manuscript. The flat-topped great helms in this manuscript are, incidentally, a transitional form in which the top plate is itself quite domed (B, G and H). Note that horsemen (B) also wear padded or perhaps scale-covered cuisses with round, knee-covering poleyns attached. ...

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