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The Legend of Guilhem of Orange
Saracen Prince Aragon and Count Bertrand in battle.
Tour Ferrande, Pernes-les-Fontaines, Southern France, 13th century AD.

A larger image of this fresco of Saracen Prince Aragon and Count Bertrand in battle, in the Legend of Guilhem of Orange, Southern France, 13th century AD.
Légende de Guillaume d'Orange. Fresque de la Tour Ferrande à Pernes les Fontaines, Vaucluse, France
Photo by Véronique PAGNIER
The Legend of Guilhem of Orange probably showing the worthy opponents, Saracen Prince Aragon and Count Bertrand, a nephew of Guilhem, in battle.
Guilhem, a relative of Charlemagne, was a celebrated soldier and adventurer.
His legend purports that the city of Orange in France had fallen under Muslim control (a historical inaccuracy) and that Guilhem was determined to retake it.
Referenced as figure 595 in The military technology of classical Islam by D Nicolle
595. Fresco, Infidel 13th century AD, south French, in situ, Tour Ferrande, Pernes-les-Fontaines.
Previous: Arrest of Conradin and death of Manfred, Tour Ferrande, Pernes-les-Fontaines Start: Battle of Benevento, Tour Ferrande, Pernes-les-Fontaines
See also a Painted wood box with the Legend of Guilhem of Orange, Southern France, about 1200–1225.
Saracens (Moors) in the Arrest of Saint Aventinus, St Aventin Church, France, 12th century