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Illustration from the
Pamplona Picture Bible
Pamplona, Navarre, Spain, c.1200AD
Although the stories portrayed in the illustrations are ancient, the figures wear 12th century Navarrese costume.

A larger image of f.14r, Pamplona Bible: The kings of Sodom, Gomorrah, Adma, Zeboim and Bela in battle against four kings (Genesis 14:9-10)
Title: Pamplona Bible - UB Augsburg - Oettingen-Wallerstein Library Cod.I.2.4.15
Origin: [Pamplona], around 1200
Extent: I, 273 pp. - Parchment: Ill.
Shelf Mark: Cod.I.2.4.15 (Oettingen-Wallerstein Library)
Provenance: Previous owner: King Sancho the Strong of Navarre (reigned 1194, d. 1234); Charles Philippe Campion of Tersan (r. 1736, d. 1819); Prince Ludwig of Oettingen-Wallerstein (r. 1791, d. 1870, acquired 1814); Princely Oettingen-Wallerstein Library
Note: Picture Bible with 976 mostly half-page, partly also full-page miniatures to Old Testament and New Testament
Source: Pamplona-Bibel – UB Augsburg – Oettingen-Wallersteinsche Bibliothek Cod.I.2.4.15
End: f. 56r, Pamplona Bible: The Israelites set out from Ramses to Sukkoth (Exodus 12:37-38)
Next: f. 14v, Pamplona Bible: Abraham pursues the kidnappers of his relative Lot (Genesis 14:14)
Back to the Pamplona Picture Bible, Navarre, Spain, c.1200AD