Pharoah's Army (Portrayed as Italian Knights) Crossing the Red Sea
on the Baptismal Font in the
Basilica of San Frediano, Lucca, Italy

Lucca - Toskana : um 1185 Taufbecken in der Kirche San Frediano.
Zwei Ritter auf einem Pferd ist ein Motiv, das gerne mit dem Templerorden in Verbindung gebracht wird.
Lucca - Tuscany: by 1185. Baptismal font in the Church of San Frediano.
The relief on the baptismal font shows the story of Moses, here the crossing of the Red Sea. The Egyptians are represented as knights in the armour of the late 12th century.
Two knights on a horse is a subject that is often associated with the Knights Templar.
Photo by Hen Magonza