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An Illustration from
Moralia in Job by Pope Gregory the Great
Cîteaux, abbaye Notre-Dame, Bourgogne, France, 1111AD
Bibliothèque Municipale de Dijon Ms.168
folio 4v

A larger image of this Initial R with knight fighting a Dragon, 'Moralia in Job', Citeaux, France, 1111AD.
Source: Bibliothèque Municipale de Dijon Ms.168
Initial R with knight fighting a Dragon, Moralia in Job, Citeaux, 1111AD.
A letter from Saint Gregory to St. Leander.
COTE Dijon - BM - ms. 0168
FOLIO/PAGE f. 004v
TITRE ENLUMINURE / SUJET Chevalier et serviteur combattant un hybride zoomorphe
CONTEXTE Initiale R pleine page de la lettre de dédicace
NOTES ENLUMINURE Ecu, épée, lance.
AUTEUR Gregorius
TITRE OUVRAGE Moralia in Job
DOMAINE Biblica ; Patristique
ORIGINE PRECISE Cîteaux, abbaye Notre-Dame
POSSESSEUR Cîteaux, abbaye Notre-Dame
See also the Bible of Saint Stephen Harding, France, c.1110AD
Knights on the Sarcophagus of Doña Sancha, Benedictine Monastery of Santa Cruz, Jaca, Spain, 1110-1120AD
Other 12th century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers