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The 'Melisende Psalter'
Eastern Mediterranean (Jerusalem) between 1131 and 1143
f.23, Archer and David in a Decorated Letter

A detail of the Archer in a Decorated Letter in the 'Melisende Psalter', Jerusalem, between 1131 and 1143. British Library Egerton 1139.
Source: British Library Egerton 1139
The manuscript is referenced as figure 732 in Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era, 1050-1350, Western Europe and the Crusader States by David Nicolle
732A-K Queen Melisende's Psalter, Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1131-43
(British Library. Ms. Egerton 1139, London, England)
A-H The Betrayal, f.7v; I - Guards at the Holy Sepulchre, f.10r; J - Sagittarius f.18v; K - decorated initial, f.23v.
The two archers (J and K) use early forms of composite bows with angled grips.
Both the bows and one man's quiver (K) on a strap over his shoulder have echoes in Mediterranean Europe rather than in the Middle East.
Start: Upper Ivory Cover of the 'Melisende Psalter'. British Library.
Back to The 'Melisende Psalter', Eastern Mediterranean (Jerusalem) between 1131 and 1143. British Library.