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Liber ad honorem Augusti by Pietro da Eboli, c.1197
Folio 123r. Episode of the assault on Capua by Count Richard of Acerra. /
The burial of the bodies after the battle.

Episodio dell'assalto dato a Capua dal conte Riccardo d'Acerra. / Il seppellimento dei cadaveri dopo la battaglia.
'Episode of the assault on Capua by Count Richard of Acerra. / The burial of the bodies after the battle', in Liber ad honorem Augusti by Pietro da Eboli, Sicily, c.1197.
Previous: Speech by Conrad von Lutzelhard besieged in Capua, his soldiers and Capuans.
Next: The Empress Constance conducted as prisoner to Palermo. / Constance in conversation with the Queen Sibyl.
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