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Saracens (Moors) in
The Decapitation of Saint Aventinus
St Aventin Church, France, 12th century

A larger image of Saracens (Moors) in the Decapitation of Saint Aventinus, St Aventin Church, France, 12th century

Chapiteau, portail de l'église romane de Saint Aventin, Comminges, (Haute Garonne).
Photo by Enn'

The story of the martyrdom of St Aventinus and his colleague St Gratien later became popular across medieval France. They and their fellow pilgrims are said to have been caught by 'Saracens', probably from the Muslim advance guard or vanguard which had crossed the river Creuse at Port-de-Piles, and were killed at Civray-sur-Esves. Here the story is told on a 12th-century carving on the church at Saint-Aventin, in the foothills of the Pyrenees.
p84, Poitiers AD 732: Charles Martel Turns the Islamic Tide by David Nicolle

Saracens (Moors) in the Arrest of Saint Aventinus, St Aventin Church, France, 12th century
Other 12th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers