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Fresco of the Crucifixion from Santa Maria Antiqua, 741–52AD, Rome, Italy

A larger image of the Fresco of the Crucifixion from Santa Maria Antiqua, 741–52AD, Rome, Italy

Image source: Italian Ways (after restoration)

Fresco of the Crucifixion from Santa Maria Antiqua, Rome (741–52). The icon-like fresco was painted in the chapel to the north of the main apse, and this church was managed by Greek monks in Rome with connections to various popes.
Source: Stella Arena, Maria et alia. Roma dall’Antichita al Medioevo Archeologia e Storia. Vol.1. 2001 ByzBets

Referenced on p31, WAR - 096 Carolingian Cavalryman AD 768-986 by D. Nicolle:
Wall painting of the Crucifixion dating from the mid-7th to mid-8th century. Here Longinus, the Roman centurion at Christ’s crucifixion, reflects the military elite of Papal Rome. (Church of Santa Maria Antiqua, Rome, Italy)

See also Carved Relief of Huntsmen, Cathedral, Civita Castellana, Italy, 8th or 9th century
Other Carolingian Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers
8th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers